Our Forests: So Much More than Trees

06/24/2023 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM PT


  • Free


Marilyn and Fred Ellis Preserve
842 Hoffman Cove Rd
Shaw Island, WA 98286
United States of America


Join Marty Main, a veteran specialist in ecological forestry, for this full-day field class that will cover regional context, tools for evaluation, and approaches to forest monitoring geared towards small woodland owners.


For anyone interested in the ecology, health, and resilience of our forests, this full day field class offers information on regional context, tools for evaluation, and approaches to monitoring. Marty Main has been a forester in southern Oregon for over 40 years. His academic training, professional experience, and love for Northwest forests is evident in his thoughtful approach and inspirational leadership in the field of ecological forestry. His passion is helping small woodland owners become knowledgeable stewards.

  • Date: June 3, 2023
  • Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm
  • Location: 842 Hoffman Cove Rd., Shaw Island
  • Bring: Lunch, boots, dress for the weather
  • Questions? Email Ruthie Dougherty, SJPT Preserve Curator/Interpretive Specialist

Please note:

  1. This event is free of charge, but attendance is limited to the first 10 people who sign up. (You can join the waiting list when you sign up if capacity has been reached. If there are cancellations, we will contact the next in line as soon as possible.)
  2. All participants are required to sign an SJPT liability waiver. Please ensure that everyone you register, including yourself, has filled out our online waiver in English or en Español (required as part of the registration process).
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