Volunteer: Trail Maintenance at the Beecher Preserve

11/08/2023 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM PT


  • Free


Beecher Preserve


Join SJPT staff at Lopez Island's Beecher Preserve, where we will sturdy up the trail before winter fully sets in.


The Beecher Preserve is a 40-acre property in the heart of Lopez Island that holds a high volume of deciduous trees, as well as mature cedar and fir stands. There is a half-mile trail that weaves through the property and it is a lovely experience to walk through. Come enjoy some Lopez Island forest tranquility and pitch in with fall cleanup of this beautiful preserve and some important trail maintenance before winter fully sets in. 

Land Steward Troy Buckley will lead and Jack Russillo, Volunteer and Outreach Coodinator, will support. We'll supply tools and some snacks. Bring your own lunch and water bottle/beverage. 

Details about when and where to meet, etc., will be emailed to registered participants prior to the event, but the plan will be to meet at Sally's Garden in the Lopez Village before carpooling out to the preserve.

  • Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2023
  • Time: 10:00am - 3:00pm
  • Location: Beecher Preserve (meet at Sally's Garden in the Lopez Village)
  • Bring: Sturdy walking shoes or boots (there may be wet spots on the trail), weather-appropriate clothing, work gloves, water, lunch 
  • Questions? Email Jack Russillo, SJPT Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator

Please note:

  1. This event is limited to the first 10 people who sign up. (You can join the waiting list when you sign up if capacity has been reached. If there are cancellations, we will contact the next in line as soon as possible.)
  2. All participants are required to sign an SJPT liability waiver. Please ensure that everyone you register, including yourself, has filled out our online waiver in English or en Español (required as part of the registration process).
Neon CRM by Neon One
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